Monday 4 November 2013

Kiwi Kick

This term, we have been lucky enough to participate in Kiwi Kick P.E. sessions.  The sessions are led by trained educators from Kiwisport, who teach our children a mix of rugby, rugby league and Aussie Rules ball handling skills.

For Room 8, our session is every Wednesday at 9.45am.  Parents, if you are free at this time we would love to see you, you are welcome to pop down and watch your child.

During our sessions, the children practice their co-ordination skills, catching and throwing skills, as well as how to work well with others in their team.

Have a look at some of our coaching sessions.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Cultural Groups at Panama Road School

Mori-Anne's Mum teaching the girls.

Everyone is buzzing with excitement this term with the start of the Panama Road School Cultural Groups.

Each child at school has chosen a group to participate in, either Tongan, Samoan, Niuean, Indian, Cook Island or Kapahaka. 

Devonte's Mum teaching the group.

This is an amazing opportunity for our students to embrace their own culture, or to begin to learn about a new culture.

Every Thursday afternoon after classroom roll call, the children move to their culture group sessions.

Each teacher is assigned to a cultural group to assist the fantastic parents and members of our community who are leading the groups.  These pictures were taken at the Cook Island group lesson today - looking good!

The boys learning to dance.